Finally, there is the third husband/pastor. This one is just a good ol' boy type pastor. He will tell you like it is and if you get your feet stepped on, then they were meant to get stepped on. At, times he was brash and unorthodox in his leading of the church but that never really seemed to matter because everyone still followed him. We will call this one
"My family comes before others". While the other two failed in this respect, this one was great at it. He would protect his family, defend and ultimately had them very high on his priority list.
Mistakes I see: This h/p was kind of blind to his kids growing up. He worked two jobs (as did 1 and 2) and so there was some time where they werent always guided in the right direction. However, sometimes when they would mess up he would defend them to a fault.
What I want to take from this h/p: I want to always put my family before my church. I feel that when you make the decision to get married and then have children, you have to make your family your second proirity behind God. The Bible asks how a man can lead a church if his house isnt even in order so family should come before the congregation.
So this ends the husband/pastor series. I just wanted to get this out there and off my brain. There were other h/p's that affected my life but none more than these. I realize that I am different from all three of them in that I am a full-time pastor and they all had a job at time or another. I also realize that we are living in a different generation where the mindset about pastors and their responsibilities are changing.
So what do you think? Are my assumptions right about these three (if you know who I am talking about)?
Should a pastor put his family before the church?
Good Day.