Friday, October 14, 2005

The Bible

I was getting ready for our Young Adult meeting Wednseday night and as I was preparing my devo I read one of the questions: "The Bible isnt about humanities attempt to have a relationship with God, it is all about God's attempt to have a relationship with us. How does this change your view of God?" Well, seeing that I had never looked at it like that before, it was an amazing insight to someone who feels dry and wondering where God is!!! God is amazing...he created us and we all mess up, he STILL sends his son to die for our sins, even when are hearts are prone to wonder He still is trying to get in touch with us! What a wonderful isnt a cosmic game of hide and seek like I had thought growing up. It isnt a whack-a-mole either...God isnt waiting for us to mess up and pop our heads through the hole to hit us!!! He is right beside us, waiting, prodding, holding...and most importantly...loving us!

How great is our God? One day...all will see just how great he is!

Good Day.

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