Wednesday, October 26, 2005

#2 Husband/pastor...

The second husband/pastor is a breed that you don't see very often. While I think many people see the first type all of the time, this one is a sneaky one. This example came much later in life and confirmed what I had learned from #1. So lets call this one "The Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde". The main thing that I see wrong with this h/p is that they seemed to be living two completely different lives. While at church, they were a loving, somewhat caring individual most of the time. The congregation really had no clue as to what this h/p was truly like and I still don't think they do. Then, he would go home and completely shut down from my mother at times and others be caring and loving in his own way. This one, at least in my opinion, needed some medical help for the huge mood swings he had almost weekly. It was/is hard to listen to this one preach because they live a different life at home. They are self-centered, self-driven and I question whether or not they truly cared about other people. Mistakes I see: Selfish, non-committed to the marriage relationship, and blows small things out of proportion. What I want to take from this h/p: Do not say one thing and do another with your wife. If we are to love our wives as Christ loved the church, separating everything (including emotions) from your spouse doesnt fall under loving someone in my book. I want my children to be able to go to the church that I Pastor and listen to me without thinking, "wow, I wish he would live that".

To be continued...

Good Day.

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