Friday, September 02, 2005

Gas Prices to hit $10 this winter!!!

Can you believe that? Neither can I. What is making me righteously angry this week? In the wake of Katrina, the worst natural disaster in American history, our neighborhood is buzzing. Not about the Blueberry Festival...not about the first weekend of college football...and NOT about Katrina. What are we whining about? Gas prices. Where I live it is $3.29. While I will concede that the price is crazy, I think when we feel angry or whatever emotion it is that comes with this, I want to remind us that we didn't lose our house, our families, our livelihood. We didn't lose our precious cars, or our pets. We also didn't lose every memory that we had in our homes. There aren't people running around Plymouth and looting Kroger (even though with Blueberry and 500,000 people here it might look as much). There definitely aren't corpses lying around anywhere in Marshall County. So can we all just thank God for our safety and pray for the tens of thousands that are without shelter and food and electricity and their medicine and their loved ones that were swallowed up by Katrina. Like I heard a man say on CNN, now is when the true fiber of humanity will show through. What are we showing....

Lord, please protect the helpless. Give shelter to the homeless and food to the starving. Bring about help so that your name can be praised. Dry up the waters and create life again. Amen.

Good Day


Anonymous said...

Andy, I couldn't find the appropriate place to comment on your letter in the Shiloh newsletter. I really loved the intruiging topic. It makes people ask tough questions, at least I hope.

For me, I find comfort in Romans 2:14-15 especially. (This is from 'The Way' translation)

"When outsiders who have never heard of God's law follow it more or less by instinct, they confirm its truth by their obedience. They show that God's law is not something alien, imposed on us from without, but woven into the very fabric of our creation. There is something deep within them that echoes God's yes and no, right and wrong."

So at the very least wether or not they knew it, they were glorifying a just and righteous God. I think that is pretty cool.

I'm sure you're familiar with this entire passage, but if not it is definately worth reading Romans 2 to get the full context.
Keep up the good work.
God Bless,

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. We are a blessed people..........sometimes we forget that. Mom