Wednesday, August 31, 2005


MMM...I really hate this word. This word causes humans many problems that could totally be avoided. We wear it like a piece of jewelry and shine it up every once in a while. Men hang onto it like it was the last steak at a family b-b-q. Women, are more subtle with theirs. They quietly move around it and cover it up with many different things. Us guys just aren't smart enough to hide it. Pride is something that I have realized over the last few days that will make or break my relationship with Sarah. I was reading a magazine and it was talking about keys to winning any battle and automatically I thought "Yeah, anything to win right?" Well, I got suckered into checking myself. Numbers two and three really hit me hard..."give up arrogant defensiveness and stubborn resistance. OUCH!!! Meaning that those stupid things that we argue over that should never have been a conversation need to go?! I'm still working on that... Secondly, "Humble yourself and become willing to do whatever it takes". Wow!!! Thats not asking much is it? But in the end, I want to love Sarah like Christ loves her. I want to as I Corinthians puts it, love her more than I love myself, love her without thinking me first, and love her without flying off the handle. It is a cumbersome task but it is worth it.

I want to take the "i" out of pride.

Good Day

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