Monday, August 15, 2005

Pressed but not crushed

I love being in the ministry. Who wouldn't if you were called to do it? I prepared for it to the best of my ability at Indiana Wesleyan. Still sometimes I feel inadequate when I get around those who have been in ministry longer than I have. I hear of the things that they have planned and the activities that they are doing and they seem to dwarf anything that I could come up with. I guess the assessment that I got from the Senior pastor who did a good portion of my practicum work during college is right. He said that I wasn't someone who would come into a situation and be great and blow everyone away. He said that he seen me as being a pastor that comes along and makes friendships and slowly makes changes in the lives around me (of course God does the changing, but through me). At first I was kind of offended. Now, I am afraid that he was right. BUT... I dont want to be that guy. Anyways...

I strongly dislike the summer...there is really nothing of great importance going on in the world of sports. That leaves me relegated to watching "Unwrapped" on the Food Network!!! At first it was ok...but I am ready for some Football and Playoff baseball(the only kind that really matters) and then some IU basketball!!! I love the winter not just for the cold weather but for the sports and this year...for the wedding! I am pumped about getting married in less than 90 days...can hardly wait.

1 comment:

bjcap said...

the summer can be a tough time becasue kids are gone from the group becasue of vacations and many other forms of distraction. it is tough when we pour oursleves intot he church and people seem to not appreciate what we are doing. it is in these times that we have to remember why we are in the ministry. it is not becasue we want to win the respect of people but becasue God has called us to do His will. it is tough but the promise it...this too shall pass. life is lived in the valley so enjoy it when you are on the mountaintop!