Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Post #100

As I have been reading the One Year Bible, it has started in Genesis and I have caught a number of times an interesting thing. Noah got drunk after he was the only person to be found righteous in all the earth. Abraham, whose faith gave him righteousness and was told he was going to have descendants too many to count, lied twice about Sarah being his sister...and the list goes on and on with different pillars of the faith messing up. That is not the interesting thing to me is that there seems to be no consequences for their actions. Yes, I know that they offered sacrifices back then for the forgiveness of sins, but do they offer those sacrifices after these events? Unless I missed it, I dont think they did. God continued to bless them. So saying all that to say this...are we sometimes too hard on others and maybe ourselves when we mess up? I know that we live in a different time and that we have the Holy Spirit to convict and the like. But, do we fully understand the words that Jesus spoke to Peter when you said whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven? What do you think that means? Have the Boomers grown up too legalistic and is it being passed down to the following generations? Will the legalism of the Boomers cause the generations that follow to swing to far to the liberal side?

What do you think?

Show me your glory.


Anonymous said...

It's funny that you brought that up. I have also been reading through the Bible in a year and wondered how those great men of God could lie and do the bad things they done. I think we do get caught up in the legalistic way of thinking and need to stop feeling like there is someone standing over us, ready to beat us down when we fail or do wrong. No, I don't believe sinning everyday is the way, but God loves us regardless!! He understands, cares and loves us with the love of a father towards his child. We are too hard on ourselves, especially when we are trying to do our best.

Love ya, Momma

Anonymous said...

I think you've got the right idea. But remember, while God didn't rain judgement down on them, they weren't supposed to "sin more for more grace", to paraphrase that scripture. Good thought.