Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Presidential election

I have to say, I hate politics. I rarely listen to anything that has to do with elections. However, this year has been different. There are so many different things going on and with our country where it is, this election seems to loom larger than others. So...I am not going to be a homer but I just want to say this and be done with it:

I think a lot of people are going to vote for Obama not because of what he stands for or against but because he is different. Some say a lot of people are voting for him because he is black and that sparked something in my mind. Mind you, I am not an authority on Martin Luther King , and I really don't know where he'd stand on a lot of today's issues. However I do know this: He wouldn't want people voting for Barack Obama because he is black. He said so himself.

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

If you don't think people are voting for Obama because of who
he is and not what he stands for check out the stevansheets.com blog about a clip from the Howard Stern Show (of all places!).

It goes both ways. If we are judging charcater by what you stand for or stand against, then Barack Obama shouldn't be allowed to represent our country. A country who was founded on Biblical principles and whose currency says in God we trust. As a Christian we aren't defined by whatever color we are...we should be defined by who we are in Christ.

He is radical in his voting, his beliefs and if he wins this election those things will be seen.

Still I know this, whoever wins in a few weeks won't change the fact that my God still reigns. He is still in control and come November 5th that won't change. (I'm off my soapbox now)

1 comment:

Sherry said...

I couldn't have said it better myself. I am so concerned and fearful for our nation. I totally agree with what you said.