Friday, February 17, 2006


The old saying goes "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me". While that might be good to try and reinforce to a child, it really doesnt fly in the real world does it? Some people wait their whole lives to hear a few words: "I Do", "You are Hired" or "I love you". Then there are other times when you hear things that sometimes really arent said: "You arent thin enough", "For real happiness you need this product or this new car". Many times, when our friends are hurting we are searching for the words that will help them in their situation.

So do words not really hurt us?

Are words not really that important?

Words have the power to many things. James 3 tells us that it is what guides the body. The tongue can praise and uplift like few other things. However, the tongue can cut as deep as any other thing as well. Some things are rough to hear, we might think them or even believe them in our subconscious without ever really saying them. is some things that I have learned in my short 24 years...

  1. People always need to know you appreciate them
  2. People always want you to listen to them
  3. Wherever you are is where you need to be...God put you there
  4. People will disappoint you
  5. Pastors will disappoint you
  6. Family members will let you down
  7. True friends, ones who will let you be who you are and still love you, are few and far between
  8. Family is important because they will always be there, no matter what
  9. God loves me
  10. He knows my name
  11. He knows what I am going through
  12. People will always have selfish ambitions until they commit fully to Christ
  13. In a church, no matter large or small, there will ALWAYS be problems
  14. Faith should move us to actions
  15. Money isnt all it's cracked up to be
  16. Happiness is a choice
  17. Love is a choice
  18. Your attitude is a choice
  19. I have been forgiven and that is so beyond me to totally understand and appreciate
  20. Finally, as a band once put it in a song, "This is your life, are you who you want to be?" should be a question that we ask often of ourselves.


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