Monday, February 13, 2006

Trying to make sense...

There are times when it seems like life is easy. Not just for you but for those around you, ya know? Good things are happening and everyone is just gellin'. Then, there are times when we get reminded that things are not going to always be easy. What is funny is that nothing that is going on has anything to do with me. It seems that those around me are going through amazing struggles. Struggles that will change their lives and impact the lives of every one around them. It is intense. I am out of words to say to those around me...except playing on my stereo right now is a song that goes something like this:

"He never promised that the cross would not get heavy, or the hill would not be hard to climb. He never offered our victories without fight, but He said that help would always come just in time. So just remember when you're standing in the valley of decision and the adversary says give in...just hold on, our Lord will show up and He will take you through the fire again!"

God never promised that we would always be sitting on the porch drinking lemonade, but he did promise that we would never be forgotten and that we will NEVER have to go through any battle on our own!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Andy,

I am kind of feeling the same way. So much is going on around me that I can't seem to get my regular things done......people need to talk, to vent, someone to listen to them.

It will be nice to sit on the porch and drink lemonade one of these days, huh???? Maybe we can find a porch swing and we can both drink lemonade at the same time.

Love you,

Aunt Lana