Monday, March 24, 2008

Goodbyes are not always good.

Time marches on. It always has, it is and it always will. There are certain moments in our lives when we want time to go quicker. We wish to be older or old enough at least. We get to that thing or age and it passes and we are still not old enough or now we are too young. People come and go and then we do it all again with new people. New relationships turn into old friendships. The excitement always wears off and time either brings you closer or you fade apart.
How weird is it to think about the past and how close you were with "fill in the blank" and how far you seem from them now? I think in every relationship we are either coming closer of fading apart. I don't think that there is a middle ground. It makes me sad thinking about the Seniors from the youth group this year. I have seen them mature and grow into great young adults. I just wish I could keep them around for another four years. That is something that is hard on Youth workers. You try and try to build relationships with these students and then eventually they are gone. Off into the world. Shiloh has pumped some pretty great teens through it's doors but I guess I am prejudice in thinking that this has to be one of the best groups to have been a part of this church. Seniors, you know who you are, I am really going to miss you. You all will do great things and see greater things. Never go anywhere without Jesus.

How are your relationships? Are you drifting apart from that life-long friend? Proverbs 17:17 says that "A friend loves at all times..." Do you need to make that phone call or visit to that person who meant so much to you not so long ago? Go ahead. Go right ahead. Make their day.

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