Sounds like an oxymoron doesn't it? Christ told us not to worry but yet I know a lot of Christians who are professional worriers (instead of prayer warriors). They see this happening or listened to Van Impe and he said something was going to happen soon...most likely June 6th of this year (6/6/06)...Oh MY GOODNESS!!! We had all better get some extra food and water because something is going to happen and we need to be ready.
You think I sound crazy?
The Christian world is worried about the Da Vinci Code movie and book that are causing such a stir. C' mon...Jesus had a relationship with Mary Magdelene? They had a child and the line lives on today?
The book/movie is not about rewriting the history book for crying out loud. It is about one thing and one thing only... $$$$$$$$$$!
Oh, and don't even go there with the Gospel of if it were something new that National Geographic just found in some Aboriginal tribes burial grounds! That info, along with many...many...many other pseudo gospels can be found on the internet...nothing new to those who know...look it,800,000 hits in .17 seconds...really, come on.
All that to say this...I think that we need to stop worrying and fretting over things that first of all, we no control over...second that are not going to shake the foundations of our faith. It is like we are scared that something is going to come along and rip the rug from beneath our faith. Archeologist have never found anything that contradicts what the Bible says.
So as a song that I sang when I was just a wee little tot goes...
" The B-I-B-L-E, yes that's the book for me...I stand upon the Word of God...the B-I-B-L-E...BIBLE!"