Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Back at IWU, one of my professors asked a question that recently has been haunting me, daily. It is a question that could and probably will affect the outcome of my entire life. It is a question that people in leadership should ask themselves often at the beginning of their careers. So here's the question:

Are great leaders born or are they made?

You see, I don't consider myself to be a GREAT pastor. I don't see myself as being someone that leads a mega-church some day. Right now, I am not sure where the ceiling is for me in this respect.

Sarah and I recently had a LONG discussion about this and she really hit the issue home with me. I realized that I really don't have goals in my life. Not only in my life, but as a Pastor. I thought in my head, "Should Pastors have goals"? I mean, the two pastors that I have been around the longest were my dad (he stayed at one church for 30+ years) and Dick Gregg who has been at Central for 15+ years and counting. Neither church is a "big" church. They maintain and keep mostly the same people. Some people come and go. The church that I grew up in and that my Dad was at is dead with only about 10-15 left if that! Did they have goals? I guess that it was subconsciously put in my head that you just maintain. Until recently, I was really ok with that. However, now I am not sure how to get out of the maintaining stage and become a pastor that is...well I don't even know what to call it. Maybe that's the problem...

So, are leaders (GREAT pastors) born or are they made?



Anonymous said...

You have the habit of asking questions that can't be answered in a few simple sentences...
I believe great pastors (and great Christian leaders for that matter) are "called" more than they are born or made. It's likely God has/had a plan for their life - but do they listen, do they hear, do they obey and follow through?
If they shrink back in fear of the unknow and uncertain, (which many do) or if they just simply 'settle' for a pretty good life and/or ministry, they will never see the full potential of their God-given talents and results lived out.
I think it's quite complicated, and there's no easy answer. I know life can beat a person down and bring defeat, but at the same time a person's true character and potential if often not seen until adversity comes knocking. Anyone with sense knows it's difficulty that causes us to grow.
I do know God gives us choices - I have choices. You have choices. Each choice affects and leads to another choice or step in our life's path.
Goals are a good thing. Sometimes big dreams come from God. But remember that God is more likely to be in our interuptions than our plans...
I think it's a combination. Great pastor/leaders are sometimes born, sometimes made, sometimes called, and always willing to step out in faith.
Now I'd love to know what you think of all that rambling...

Anonymous said...


I have read this a few times, and am still thinking about it.....such a deep thinker you are!!

Will get back to you..



JellyVision said...

What I am wondering about is how do small church pastors deal with being just that, and not some mega church pastor that has the midas touch? God puts pastors in place, I have no doubt about that, so does that mean that some pastors are destined to become average? I guess it is all in how you define great/average/good you know? Sarah and I were talking about it and it made me realize that in most other professions you are trying to be the best...move up...promotions and such...it is not something that is said but it is assumed that if a better position opened up that something inside of you would want that, but what if God has you in a small job for the rest of your life? Are you to be content with were you are? Don't get me wrong, I love Shiloh. I think it is the perfect place to grow and the people and students are just amazing. I love my job, I was just wondering about the future etc, etc, etc.


Anonymous said...


I think it is good to set goals for our lives, remembering to keep God in the center of ALL things. Sometimes it is scary to "move outside our box" and maybe that's what happened to your dad and Dick. Maybe they got just too comfortable and liked where they were/are. If you want to move up to bigger/better things, I think there is nothing wrong with that, as long as you feel it is what God wants for you.....but as a human being bettering yourself is not wrong. God gave us our talents, personalities, abilities, etc. to use, and He expects us to use them. No matter what profession you are in it is sometimes difficult to know when an opportunity comes along if it a right one...that's where lots of prayer is involved and listening to what God has to say to us. I think if this happens to you and Sarah and you seek God's will you will know peace when you make a decision. There will always be some apprehension, but always know that God will be right there with you.

Hope this made some sense.



Anonymous said...

I see what you mean. Do I think it's possible that God has in mind for some people to be faithful shepherds to a certain church/flock for years and years - meaning staying in the same small church for most all of their life? Yes, I think it's possible. And I think it happens all the time. Regular, everyday people need faithful shepherds/pastors that are honest everyday people as well. I don't think every pastor is destined to lead a mega church or ministry.
Remember, the last shall be first... there is something to be said for perserverence.
But there are many leaders of mega churches or ministries that never dreamed what they would be doing 20 years ago - they followed the open doors and the leading of the Lord. I think the faithful are open to whatever God has for them -staying put or stepping into the unknown. It's not the same for everyone.
It can be difficult to separate pride and personal goals with simple obedience to God. Who wouldn't like that writing in the sky so we know for sure what He wants for our lives.
But if your ultimate motive is to honor and obey God, He will likely open unexpected doors for you and give you choices - I think sometimes He lets us choose and either one will work out His good purpose.
I could ramble on and on... mabe we all need to get together and chat in person: Lana, Sarah, your mom, you and me...
Look at what goals seem good for you, but don't worry about planning now for what's to come 25 years from now. God usually gives us one little glimpse/step at a time. If you're where you're supposed to be right now, enjoy the place God has put you. He'll shake you up when it's time to think about moving on.
Love & blessings,