Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Weekly reflections

10. I love the Olympics. I have thoroughly enjoyed them. That Phelps kid is amazing.

9. God is very fond of me and wants the best for me.

8. I hate wearing a cast. I hate it mostly for the attention and all the tape I've had to yank off my arm! Casts smell funny too...

7. Worrying gets you absolutely nowhere.

6. Family is so important and as a pastor, I don't have the luxury of spending time or being close to my family and that makes me sad.

5. When I become a father, I want to "be there" in as many moments and times when my kids need me.

4. Find good friends and appreciate matter what.

3. I think marriage, at least for me, is getting better every year. The first couple of years are difficult, trying to find a groove. But once you find it, man the joy and love that exists. I love my wife.

2. Do you ever think about living in another area of the country and wonder what it would just feel like?

1. Things change. They never stay the same. They never stay the way you left them. So...enjoy the good things you have now...they'll soon change. Learn to live with the not-so-good things....they'll soon change.

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