Man life is just plain old busy. I hate having things on my mind that I know I need to do and haven't done yet. Those things just bug the sin out of me! Just thought I'd give an update on the lives of Sarah and Andy.
1. I have been staying very busy lately with the new(ish) service, nTune. I guess it's not that new anymore. It has been going well. Slowly but surely we are getting some people to come and I think it will be a very beneficial thing for Shiloh in the end.
2. My guitar playing has been a huge blessing. I am playing on both Wednesday and Sunday nights for the youth and nTune services. Then I am also doing the devo/ message. Needless to say by the time Wednesday night and Sunday night rolls around I am beat!
3. Spring is finally starting to sprung...but it is doing so s-l-o-w-l-y. Sarah and I were able to get out into the yard finally and do some much needed yard work. We are getting ready in a few weeks to plant our first and my first ever garden! I am surprisingly excited even though I have no green thumb or anything that closely resembles that (even though a lady at Zales told me I had Shrek hands)!
4. A very busy summer is staring me in the face. not all of it is busy, hard work. It starts in June. June 6-14 we are going to South Carolina for vacation. The following week is Jr. High Camp, I just have to take the kids down for that one. Then the week after that is Sr. High Camp and I am in charge of the activities all week! I really enjoy doing this though even though it would seem to be really crazy I really like doing it. Then there's a week off. Finally, we have our Missions Week were we'll be at the church all week and go around in the community and do different things. Then another week off and then family camp for a week where I'll again be doing the activities for the teens. It makes me tired just looking at it! But it will be a lot of fun.
5. April has been busy for me as well. On the 6th and 20th I had to/have to preach in the morning service, then do the worship and give the message at nTune that night. It makes for a full day. This past week we had our 3rd annual Chili cook-off. It was really fun and everyone had a great time.
6. We have had a lot of visitors lately. Ben and Amanda Capshaw came up a few weeks ago with Isaac. Then, a few Thursdays ago, Sarah's Mom Peggy came up for a night. Finally, this past weekend my Mom and Aunt Lana and Uncle Terry came up and we got to spend some good time with them. So it has been a really nice time to be able to spend with family and friends.
7. Sarah and I watch American Idol . We both really like Jason Castro, Brooke White and David Cook. After that it gets shady...she doesn't like Syeshia and I think she is probably the best girl singer left. She is just dead behind the eyes sometimes. I really don't like the young David...or KL Cook.
8. We are getting ready to lose our Seniors this year and boy is it going to hurt. They have been the backbone of the group and will be sorely missed.
9. I have to keep reminding myself that you don't have to get all of the ducks to have a good duck hunt. Meaning, I shouldn't look at who isn't at church and say (fill in the blank) should have been here. Rather, I should been thankful of who is there and be thankful for that.
10. I am so thankful for my wife. She has made me and is still making me a much better man every day. She just brings out the best in me and makes me want to do better. God has really blessed me with an amazing talented, somewhat off-beat, but always on beat with me kind-of-girl! I'm rockin' one leg, Jealous?! (inside joke)