Monday, April 09, 2007

Life update

Life update

1. Pastor John (my senior pastor) got an extended call at Shiloh. This was cause for concern as there was some uncertainty surrounding this because if he left, then I am up in the air as well. But he’s not, so I’m not!

2. I have been planning the recreation activities for Fairmount Sr High camp and enlisting some others to help out. I hate calling and asking for know what I mean? Like ordering pizza or whatever! I just hate being the one in need I suppose.

3. Sarah and I are going to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina over Memorial Day weekend and by the good graces of my uncle, we are also going to be able to go to Virginia in September! Two vacations before the holidays start...much needed.

4. Sarah and I have been hanging out a lot recently with Gwen and Jeff. I cant tell you how much it means for us to have friends our age here. This is definitely an answer to prayer.

5. Easter is over. I know, it is something that people look forward to but for pastors, it is one of the busiest times of the year. I had the sunrise service and it went really well considering most of the people would have still been in bed on any other Sunday.

6. I love the cold weather, but enough is enough. I cant take 70 degree weather and then have it snow the next week. That throws me for a loop.

7. I got a new cell phone and all of the buttons work on it as opposed to the sticky #7 on my last phone.

8. I cannot stand Sanjaya from American Idol. He is awful. Here is what is frustrating though...the judges put him through. There were definitely better singers than him but for the sake of...variety?...they left him in and now it is up to America with a hoard load of little pre-teens that love him and have unlimited texting ability! If he gets past 6th place, I will not be very happy. I like Blake the best and Melinda second. I don’t like Lakisha but her story is nice.

9. Amazing Race. I am rooting for the beauty queens, Dustin and Candice. I cannot stand the midget and her cousin for various reasons. One, they use her small-ness any time they can to gain an advantage and then claim they are running a clean race! Two, they always talk with a stinking accent from a different country...always! Third, the small one is always poking her head under things and through things and around things and it would make me uncomfortable to have a small person constantly glaring and in my face.

10. Survivor. I think Sarah and I are rooting for Yao-man. He is weird but he is funny. Survivor needs to get less jock-types and beauty queens and find people like Rupert again! Maybe they should have a Red Neck Survivor!



Glenn Knepp said...

WE like Charla and Mirna

Glenn Knepp said...

Thats the team with the small one