Friday, September 08, 2006

A note from a dummy... how did your day start? Good I hope. Nothing too bad or no one in your family sick and ill or anything like that. Those things really are things that make a day bad. I am being petty today. I have had a bad day simply because one thing went wrong. I failed to let it roll off my back. What happened you asked...well

When you are driving down a road and see really brightly, fresh looking yellow paint in the middle of the road indicating where you should be in the road...never...I repeat...never drive your vehicle over it.

Yes, I am the idoit who drove my truck over the line and got BRIGHT YELLOW PAINT on my truck. Thankfully, after some scrubing and a good high power washing it is back to its old self.
So whats the moral of the story? I don't know, just don't drive over fresh paint.


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