Monday, November 02, 2009

prayer request

my brother robbie has dealt with severe seizures for most of his life.  This has put him in group homes and left him to get around in a wheel chair.  this wednesday, they are going to do a surgery to implant something in his brain that will, in essence, catch the seizure before it happens.  It is supposed to intercept the action between the brain and muscles.  I am not sure of all the details but he is pretty scared about it.  So I am asking you to call on God to be with the Doctors, be with the nurses and to be with Robbie.  God is a merciful and just God and some things we just have to live with.  Then there are times when God heals us and heals our bodies...just pray that God's will would be done with this surgery and that God would be ever so close to Robbie this Wednesday. Thanks.

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