Wednesday, May 27, 2009

On the road again...

The great poet Robert Frost talked about two roads and which one to choose in his poem "The Road Not Taken". I got to thinking about all the choices we make each and every single day. Some, seem small and trivial. Others, large and heavy. We make decisions what to wear, where to go, how we'll spend our money, who our friends are, what to eat and when to go to bed. Other times we decide which car to buy, what to name our first child, whether or not to look for another job or when we'll buy a house. I preached a message to our graduating seniors this past sunday and I told them that wherever you end up will be determined by what road you are on.
You see, you can't end up somewhere, even if you had good intentions and good planning if you are not on that road. Our choices and decisions generally determine what road we are on. Circumstances and other people sometimes cause us to go down a different path but most of the time it is a daily journey that leads us and brings us to where we are today.
So, where are you? What is happening in your life that brings you passion and joy? How is Christ reflecting off of you? Can others see Him in your daily words and actions? Or is that light reflecting dimly to those around you? It is a daily process that leads us to look, to act and to become more like Christ. We must choose daily to make other peoples problems our problems. To come along the sick, the hurting and the oppressed and just be with them. It isn't someone elses job or something we should do because that would be nosy. It is the Church's job to be Christs' hands and feet. To accept all people but let them know that Christ loves them too much to let them stay on the path that they were on.
Where is your path leading? What choices do you think about that you haven't made in the past but should have made? Here's the kicker, we still have time. We have time to make a new choice. Start down a new path. One that leads to our lives reflecting the forgiveness, the grace, the mercy and the love of Christ daily to those around us.
Don't expect your path to lead somewhere where the road you're on isn't headed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your sermon was excellent.Good not only for the graduating Seniors but all of us. Another senior!