Monday, May 25, 2009

Jellyland Update Memorial Day Edition

Hey all...we have been uber busy here is an update from the Jellisons of the North!

10. Two out of the last 3 Sunday mornings I have preached and led worship. It takes a lot out of me but I love doing both things! I love leading worship and playing the guitar. I am so glad that I took the time and taught myself to play. Preaching on Sunday mornings is something else that I just love to do. Still, it takes a lot out of me.

9. I haven't been getting enough sleep lately because of the stupid NBA playoffs. I can't remember a more exciting playoff season than this year. Go Lakers!

8. We leave for vacation to Myrtle Beach a week from this Thursday. I am so ready! We are flying down this year because Sarah didn't want to make that trip being nearly 7 months pregnant!

7. It seems like time is just flying by. It seems like the year just started and yet here we are in the last full week of May! Summer is upon us and I am not sure that I remember Spring every getting here. It went from cold to hot.

6. We have painted the baby room. We did it in a dark brown and rich pink. It is definitely girly! I am sure that baby jelly will love it!

5. I have felt Baby Jelly kick already! It is an amazing thing to be on this journey. I can't wait!

4. A couple of weeks ago we held a fundraiser for our youth group missions week. Usually we do this fundraiser (selling chicken) in July. However we needed to do it earlier this year with everything going on. It was FREEZING!!! We sold a lot after the sale because one of the parents of a teen went around to different people and sold the leftovers! As soon as we were done, the clouds parted, the sun started shining and it warmed up. Fancy that!

3. I was shocked that Kris Allen won American Idol! We started rooting for him a long time ago and kept voting to the end. I love his style of music and his humble attitude (unlike someone else). We also liked JT from Survivor so we were two for two on winners this year.

2. Sarah and Baby Jelly are doing great. God has really blessed us with good health for both of my girls. Sarah is always concerned about this or that but overall, things are going as smoothly as they can.

1. We had our first shower this past Saturday in Bluffton. It was good to see family and friends. We also got a lot of the things we need, I am sure that the other two showers will help with that!


Anonymous said...

I am very excited about your visit - and of course, very excited about Baby Jelly! Glad for the updates -

Classic Peg

Anonymous said...


Hope everyone is doing well today. I have started a "Baby Jelly" bag - putting in lots of little goodies - good goodies - for Baby Katherine.....I was at Wal-Mart yesterday and found two little duckies for bath time. This little boy in front of me asked why I had them. Told him we were having a new little baby in our family soon. He asked me if I would be back to W-M to buy more stuff!!!!! I said, "of course, she will needs lots of things." He thought that was okay!

Love you all,

Auntie Lana