Friday, February 27, 2009

Lightbulb Moment for today...

Here is a couple of things that hit me...

From the Message in Exodus 6:9...

"But when Moses delivered this message to the Israelites, they didn't even hear him—they were that beaten down in spirit by the harsh slave conditions."

It got me thinking...what is beating me down and causing me to "not even hear" or see what God is doing in my life? There are always things that are at us...Satan is ONLY out to tear us down and destroy us and we need to always be aware of this.

What is beating you down today? Talk to God about it...

Exodus 6:20 and Exodus 7:1
And Moses answered, "Look at me. I stutter. Why would Pharaoh listen to me?
God told Moses, "Look at me."

This made me laugh because I do this so often and God tries to tell me that very same thing.

I say "but God...look at me...I can't do this or I don't know if I can do this..."

And God says, "Look at me...I can do that and I know that you can do it too!"

Ouch...Ouch and more Ouch

Have a great weekend!

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