Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Myrtle Beach, Lost dogs and Sting Rays oh my!

First off, let me say sorry for now. No pics because some nerdork stole our cameras. Anyways let me get to it:

1. Vacation was GREAT! No shoes, no problems, no rain, no worries...plenty of chips and salsa, lemonade and time spent with family (miss them already) and friends.

2. I traveled the furthest out yet, almost to my shoulders, into the ocean. If you know me and my fear of sharks you'd be proud no doubt. My strategy was to have someone in front of me so that "if" a shark/jellyfish/jaws come to bite someone, it will not be me and I can run like a schoolgirl. It worked.

3. Sarah happened to step on a sting ray! I just happened to be standing behind her ( lol see #2) and I had a crisis of faith. I didnt know at the time it was a sting ray and that it wasnt a shark or whatever, so here I was, standing looking at my wife wondering, "should I go help her" or "should I run"? I did neither and just stood there. She was fine...she just touched it with her foot.

4. We discovered a new game called Ingenious. We love it.

5. While down there, we watched "The Happening" and it was not happening. Bad ending. Disappointment reigns down.

6. On our way home, about 3 hours from home, we get a call that our dogs had run off. Helpless and sick we drove home and looked at 2am and then again at 630am and couldn't find them. Thinking that we had lost them, we get a call yesterday morning from the pound. The said that they had 2 Boston Terriers! Dude...crazy days...I never want to have that experience again. EVER!

Blessed be your name today Lord God!

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