Tuesday, February 13, 2007

It's snowing and blowing...


We have had a bunch of snow today...pretty much all day for that matter. So I thought I would update a little through pics from the past few months ...enjoy

1. Pic from the Youth pastor and spouse renewal weekend

2. pic of Sarah and the Pegster at the Ft. Wayne Komets game...what is Peggy looking at?

3. We had the kids make this "football" field for the SB party

4. Pic from the Gathering in Orlando...boy that sounds good about now.

5. Lex hates the cold...but I think he hates me pestering him more!

Stay classy everyone...stay classy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Mandy, well you came and you stopped me from shaking - but I sent you away. Oh Mandy...

I was thinking of Barry Manilow - what else?