Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Living life...

I have found that it is hard to keep posting. I don't have an overly exciting life and I don't have kids so that means I don't have a lot to post.

Here is what has been going on in my life:

1. 3 kids that went to Sr. High camp made committments to Christ! One did for the first time...

2. Our students are busy...doing a ton of things so it is a campaign every week it seems to try and get them to church

3. I am getting ready for Family Camp...July 23-30 and to get ordained the 23rd

4. We are having an overnighter this Friday...I really love overnighters...I know I am nuts but...

5. My Dad and the family is coming to Shiloh this Sunday to sing and preach. I am really looking forward to that

6. Sarah is working today(July 4th)...that stinks but that is life.

7. Sarah and I have started to try to eat better...overall...we went on the 2 week South Beach purge and it was horrible! Still, I have lost 15+ pounds since we started it so I suppose it is worth it

8. The summer being a pastor has made me feel disconnected with the church. I know that that is when people are on vacations and spending time with family etc etc...still I can't help but feel a little disconnected when people are not here.

9. Lex doesn't like fireworks...he shakes like a cell phone on vibrate!

10. I am in love with chocolate milk and I don't know why. I have just been craving it a lot lately. Weird because I don't drink milk. I do now...

11. People in churches have some interesting expectations of the youth pastor...(I still get that, "in a few weeks he will be an official pastor" lol)

12. I love my wife...she is brilliant, smart, amazing, beautiful, loving, hard-working, kind, thoughtful, sweet, caring and beautiful...I couldn't be who I am without her, PERIOD.



Anonymous said...

I was blessed by your blog! Thanks for your honest heart and truthfulness, it is refreshing to hear someone be real. Its cool to read about real people who serve Jesus.

I am a musician, and I would be honored if you would check out my music. All music on my site is free for download. Anyway, don't want to be a pest, I just thought that I'd share.

"All my music is free."

Anonymous said...

Yeah Swin,

I agree with the real stuff, too. And I'm glad you love your wife. I love her, too - and I love her husband, as well.
