Sunday, May 20, 2007

By his wounds

Things happen. Different things happen everyday to us that hurt us, damage us, cause us to think about who we are and challenge us. People are sometimes unaware of the things that they do to us. Being a Christian is sometimes hard. So here I am this past week going through a tough time. You know those times when you just feel empty and drained and thirsty something, anything that is God. So I found this cd...Glory Revealed...and I turned it to song 2 and it was like God had been planning that out for weeks.

The song is called We are Healed...

It talks about how all that he went through gives us healing. The first thought in my mind when I hear 'by his wounds we are healed' is physical healing. But God really let me into a deeper truth at least for me. I feel wounded often. Wounded by words and actions of others. I feel like I am being tested and sometimes I fail and stumble and I am not who I want to be. After I heard this song it hit me that all that he went through wouldn't just be for a physical healing. It goes deeper. It goes deeper to the point that it is a healing for everything we go through. Emotionally. Spiritually. Relationally. Daily. Hourly. Every minute. The world is always taking away from us scarring us and leaving its stain and its reminder that we are a fallen people. Yet Jesus' work on the cross heals us, daily. How shallow I have lived in the massive ocean of the grace that is Jesus and his infinite love for me. We get so caught up in just trying to get by that we get so stretched and thinned out that we lose sight of the depths of Christ's love. I sometimes get so narrow minded that it can only be the way that I see it and there is no time for any other way.

May God help me to stand back and view the vast picture that he is still in the process of painting which he will call my life when it is finished. May I come to know his healing of every part of life. The uglyness and the sinful. The tests and the mistakes. May I see that by his wounds I am healed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

